Default valuesΒΆ

pyimagediet already comes with some default values so you do not have to know or type everything. It is enough to provide only changes you want to make and they will either replace previous ones or be added if they are new.

Default configuration file:

# Commands to be executed (label: path)
# Specify path to executable for any that isn't be found on PATH.
  optipng: optipng
  advpng: advpng
  pngcrush: pngcrush
  pngquant: pngquant
  jpegoptim: jpegoptim
  jpegtran: jpegtran
  mozjpeg: jpegtran
  imgmin: imgmin
  gifsicle: gifsicle

# Parameters for commands (label: parameters)
# Use same labels as in command section.
  optipng: -force -o7 '{file}'
  advpng: -z4 '{file}s'
  pngcrush: -rem gAMA -rem alla -rem cHRM -rem iCCP -rem sRGB 
            -rem time '{file}' '{output_file}'
  pngquant: --output '{output_file}' '{file}'

  jpegoptim: -f --strip-all '{file}'
  jpegtran: -copy none -progressive -optimize -outfile '{output_file}' '{file}'
  mozjpeg: -copy none -progressive -optimize -outfile '{output_file}' '{file}'
  imgmin: "'{file}' '{output_file}'"

  gifsicle: -O2 '{file}' > '{output_file}'